by Rachel Harris

Part 10

The current installment of this serial may be found in "Our Collective Muses" in the cyberzine /MSGs from the 40's"

Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 can be found at Rachel's home page- A Whole Other Life.

The doorbell rang and it was the florist. "Who in the world would be sending me flowers," Marsha thought? Her eyes sparkled with delight as she read the attached note from Joel.

"Your words on the screen, prompted my words on the screen, to the florist's words on the screen, to these words in your hands! Will you show me around Connecticut as soon as I can book a good flight? I need a dose of your words in person! I love you Marsha."

Marsha could barely believe her eyes. Joel had gotten her valentine and arranged for these flowers, all the way in Australia and so fast! This Internet was just incredible. Marsha nuzzled her face in the velvet petals of the roses and deeply breathed in the rich scent.

Benny had heard the doorbell and came to see what was up. "Are those flowers for me Mom?" Benny wanted to know. He was at that age still where he thought the world revolved around him. It seemed even more pronounced since his dad had died.

"Sorry, Honeybunny. These are for mama. They are from that nice person in Australia I told you about. Remember Joel? " Marsha asked.

"Oh him. Why did he send you flowers mom. He isn't daddy. Daddy was the only person that sent you roses." Benny looked genuinely confused.

Marsha asked Benny to follow her into the kitchen while she put the flowers in water. "Want some hot chocolate?" she asked her son as she arranged the roses in a vase that she and Ben had gotten as a wedding present so many years ago.

Hot chocolate in hand, sitting around the kitchen table, Marsha tried to explain that she was getting to know Joel and he would be coming for a visit soon from Australia. Throughout the conversation, Marsha struggled with her own guilt feelings about this whole issue again. Was she a bad mom to be showing her son that she could have such strong feelings again for someone other than her departed husband? Benny asked a lot of questions, but he didn't seem to be upset about it.

Before too long, Marsha and Benny were hugging each other and crying as they talked about how much they missed Ben. Benny shared that he sometimes thought he saw his dad when he was walking in a crowd of people and sometimes he could swear that he heard his voice. Marsha and Benny decided to go visit the cemetery; something that was always such a bitter-sweet experience for them both. It was good to "talk" to him, but it also made it more painfully real.

Marsha decided to call Duncan to see if he wanted to join them. It seemed like they hadn't seem him lately and she really felt the need to talk to him more about Joel. What would he think of her song she wrote to him? Would Duncan be shocked, especially now that Joel was coming to visit? She ended up having to leave a message on his voice mail.

"He is probably on the computer," she chuckled to herself.


Duncan was on the computer, in a situation he really dreaded, but required his special attention. He joined the channel #Sadheart she set up and just said "hello," waiting for her to say what she needed to say.

Genvieve started off with "The channel name is choose becuz I cry and cry. I had love brother Ben soooooooo! I miss him sooooooooo!! Why not you tell me he dead? I so sad and mad!"

"I didn't know about you at first, and then when I found out about you by accident, I didn't know what to do about you and about Ben's family. I am so sorry Genvieve. I really am sorry!" Duncan typed as clearly as he could.

"I love sooooo much Ben. It made me worried he no write me or see me. I want only good for Ben. I want no bad for his family. I no hurt his family. We just on computer -- not hurt family. What kill Ben? I am so sad."

Duncan filled in as many details as possible with the language challenges. He assured her how much Ben must have loved her and that Duncan had come to care for her also in the short time he had known her. He wished he could do more -- there was so much he wished he could say. Maybe later when more of the shock wore off. He gave her his e-mail and his phone number and asked for hers. Maybe it would be easier to talk on the phone and she agreed. Duncan would call her next week after he returned from a business trip.

They parted with many things left unsaid, but also with a sense of stronger connectedness. Duncan felt lightheaded with relief as he signed off the computer. His long ordeal was nearly over and it sure appeared as if the worst was over.

He found Marsha's voice mail when he checked messages and wondered if it was too late to join them at the cemetery. He felt so close to Ben when he was there, and it seemed so appropriate today especially. He was in luck! Marsha and Benny were on the way out the door, so they set it up to meet at the cemetery. "Trust in love," Ben had told him in that dream. "You were right Ben -- you were right my dear brother!" Duncan thought to himself as he drove to be with his family. "It's all going to be O.K."

to be continued...










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