by Rachel Harris

Part 7

Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 can be found at Rachel's home page- A Whole Other Life.

Duncan nearly sputtered out his response to Marsha's question concerning Genvieve being on IRC, " No!... er... no there is nothing you need to do. That's just an announcement of who is online right now. Let's see now, it's so late and we haven't even checked out the WWW," redirected Duncan. "Let me show you some great stuff I found."

Duncan proceeded to scoot Marsha out of the computer seat and began to close down IRC and fire up the Web. Duncan checked out the bookmarks to see what was around. He realized that he had never really explored Ben's bookmarks so he was a bit nervous about what he might find there. A few things caught his eye that they both decided to check out. One was a cyberzine called /MSGs from the 40's. Another was a site called Switchboard that helps people look up lost friends/family/lovers from all over the world. There was an old college buddy he often wondered about so he was especially interested in checking it out.

The site for Switchboard was really a form to fill in as much information as you could recall about the person. John Turner was his name and last he heard, JT as they called him, was in Jacksonville, Florida. That name and that city didn't produce any matching names, but when he just put in the name and Florida, he got 5 matches. It was too late to call right now, but he was going to splurge and try each of those numbers to see if he could track him down.

Marsha was anxious to try two of her old writing teachers from an arts program she attended when she was a young woman. Barbara Burke and Dan Granger were two people that she would always care about so when there were matches for each, she decided to give it a try tomorrow as well. "This is fun, Duncan!" she exclaimed, "Sure beats redecorating, although I bet this would have a place to give out suggestions for that as well, huh?"

"No doubt they would Marsha. Everything and anything can be found here. You know," Duncan began, "If you changed your mind about needing this computer, I could easily set it up back at your house. It would really be O.K. with me."

"Duncan, please don't take this wrong, but I think I should get another computer if I do decide to get one. It would bother me too much to have this one back. But maybe you are right. Maybe for Benny's sake and my sanity, we should get a computer. Would you help me pick one out when you have time?" Marsha asked.

"Sure, no problem, just as long as you know I am NOT an expert on this at all!" Duncan replied. "I am going to start back to work on Monday, so this weekend might actually be a good time if you want to get going on it."

"I was wondering when you were going back to work," Marsha ventured. "It sure is hard, huh? In some ways it helps a bit though. I started back 3/4 time and if they let me, I might just continue at this rate for a while. It seems to help me with being busy, but not too busy so that I am unable to be around for Benny during this time. Luckily the insurance sure helps so we are doing just fine."

"Well, I am relieved that you are doing O.K. Marsha. I figured Ben would have it all worked out to make sure you both were taken care of if something happened. He was always the organized one." Duncan then went on to say, "You are right. I think it will be good to get back into the thick of it again at work. I hated to take this break, but I know it has done me good."

For a minute, they both sat there, looking at each other, trying to sort out the words that might comfort each other. None came. Duncan got up and started picking up some clutter as he spoke, "Marsha, if you give me a minute to clear a path to the bedroom, you are welcome to hang out here tonight. It seems pretty late to head for home right now. Benny is settled, redecorating can wait and we could hit the computer store first thing if you want. Hey, I even think I have clean sheets I could put on the bed."

"No way would I put you out of your bed, but I wouldn't mind if you cleared more of the couch off for me. I like the comfort of couches lately," Marsha said as she protested a bit, grinning all the while.

"I can do better than that. I think I can open this couch up if I remember right," Duncan said. Together they cleared off the couch and opened up the bed. Duncan blushed a bit as they found all sorts of "treasures" amidst the crumbs in the cushions. "Hey!" Marsha exclaimed, "This is one of Benny's favorite action figures he lost ages ago. He's going to be so surprised! Now what else can we find here?"

"Maybe I won't have to go back to work after all," Duncan teased as they made up the bed, "with all this change we're finding, I'm rich!"

"Thanks Duncan; thanks for everything," Marsha said with a sudden burst of emotion. "You know I don't think I could have gotten through this at all without your incredible help. Your being there for us has meant so much to me and also to Benny. I don't want to get too mushy about this, but I want you to know how much you mean to me, Duncan; to both of us."

Duncan responded by giving Marsha a big hug, but found himself caught off-guard at the intensity of the moment. Breaking away from each other, both feeling a bit awkward all of a sudden, they said their "goodnights" and settled in for a short night.

Laying in his bed, Duncan could hear the soft breathing of his sister-in-law coming from the other room. It had been a long time since he had heard another's personal sounds or brushed teeth using the same sink as someone else. There was something very comforting about it. Duncan couldn't help but feel a bit envious of his brother Ben once again, even though it made no sense under the circumstances. Not only did he have an incredible wife and son, he also had an amazing French woman in love with him. Duncan had no one. Maybe it was time for Duncan to learn something from his brother, instead of doing the opposite all his life. After all, what did he really have to lose at this point?

Duncan slept fast and got up early to go start the coffee. Marsha was still sleeping and he couldn't help but feel even more tender towards her as he looked at her, all curled up, hugging one of the pillows. It must be hard for her to sleep without a warm and loving body next to hers. "I hope she finds someone that is really good to her," Duncan thought as he started the coffee grinder as quietly as he could.

Marsha stirred, stretched and re-snuggled into her pillow. "What time IS it?" she called to Duncan.

"Well, good morning Ms. Sleepyhead," Duncan said, poking his head out from the kitchen. "I will answer that question AFTER you have had your coffee. To do otherwise would just be too cruel," he chuckled. "How do you take yours? I forget. Milk?"

"Milk would be just fine," Marsha said, wiping more of the sleep from her eyes. "7:20??? On a Saturday? And no Benny to wake me up? YIKES!!! What kind of hotel is this place?" Marsha chided in fun.

Over breakfast, the conversation continued about computers. They planned their attack to hit the stores when they opened and decided just what kind of machine with what features that might suit Marsha and Benny the best. Even though Duncan was a firm PC user, they had decided to have Marsha get a Mac. It seemed that Benny used that in the schools and while Marsha used a PC at work, she thought it would be easier for them to handle a Mac.

Even with their good intentions to get an early start, with all their talking, before they knew it, it was 9:45 am. Marsha then remembered the names they had found on Switchboard to try to find old friends. Bravely, Marsha went first. No luck with the person she called first, but she hit "pay dirt" on the second try. She was actually talking to Dan Granger! Duncan couldn't help but notice the pure joy that sparkled in her eyes as she caught up with her friend.

Twenty minutes later, Marsha realized how long she had been talking long distance to her old friend. They decided to meet on the Internet when Marsha got up and running, that night if possible, and they exchanged e-mail addresses. Marsha seemed to almost dance around the house when she hung up. Dan had known their mutual friend Barbara's number, too, which was good as it wasn't one of the ones shown through Switchboard . She would call Barbara later when she got home. Duncan sure enjoyed watching this sweet woman get excited and they chattered all the way to the computer store.

The excitement continued during the purchase of the computer and the trip home. Duncan did his best to get her set up with the Mac. He had very little experience with one but with the tech help from their Internet provider and the easy instructions, Marsha was up and running fairly quickly. Later when Benny got home he was even able to help. He was also very excited to have the new computer.

Duncan was amazed at how different the programs looked on this Mac and found himself being little help with the IRC client HOMER for Mac users. Marsha sent off her first e-mails. One to Duncan as a test, then one to Dan Granger to set up a time to meet on IRC and catch up even more without paying long distance charges. Within the hour, Marsha had her first return e-mail from Dan. He wanted to meet at 9:00 PM if that would work. He had a channel that he had started called #GoodBuddies and hoped she would join.

Duncan went over all that he could with her to try to teach her how to do it on her own when he left. She took notes furiously and seemed to catch on, again very fast. He reminded her that he was just a phone call away since they had two phone lines and he would be happy to help if she got in a jam.

Determined to make more of his last weekend before work resumed, Benny and Duncan decided to take in a local soccer game at the school and go out for pizza afterwards. Since the couch was already set up for company, Benny would then spend the night and Duncan would have him returned home for brunch Sunday morning. "Why waste perfectly clean sheets?" teased Duncan. "Besides, I owe you a morning of sleeping in late. We'll even stop for doughnuts and coffee on the way back here tomorrow."

Marsha agreed, not nearly as worried about spending another night alone without Benny there. Benny could really use some time with his uncle Duncan and this was a great opportunity for the two of them to go play. She would have time to play on the new computer and make that call to her old friend Barbara.

As Duncan drove away, he suddenly felt very odd. All this time he had been so afraid of protecting Marsha from Genvieve. Now that Marsha was on IRC, he was more worried that he wouldn't get to Genvieve in time to tell her about Ben before she accidentally bumped into Marsha.

What a night he and Benny had together. They were hoarse from cheering for their chosen team which seemed to make the soda and pizza taste all the better. Later, back at Duncan's place, they stayed up late playing the card games they taught each other. They talked and joked, wrestled and even shared some feelings about missing Ben. Duncan found himself imagining what it would be like to have a son like Benny and surprised himself at how comfortable he felt with the idea.

In the morning, Marsha greeted them at the door when they got home, her eyes bloodshot but sparkling. "Hey, I thought this was pay-back time to let you sleep in," Duncan said as he noticed the computer on. "You don't look like you slept a wink."

Marsha blushed as she confirmed Duncan's guess. She hadn't gotten through to her old pal Barbara but when she got on to meet Dan, one thing led to another. Before she knew it, it was dawn. She went on to say that she had a fantastic time visiting and catching up with Dan. She also had actually met a bunch of people. He introduced her to lots of his good buddies and they all had an incredible time chatting all night.

Duncan could see that Marsha had lots that she wanted to talk about concerning her first experience on her own on IRC. It quickly became evident, however, that Benny had other goals on his mind as he kept interrupting. Was it Duncan's imagination or was Benny bothered that Marsha was having a good time and was talking to other men? Maybe it was just as simple as Benny wanting the attention to talk about his own fun night away. The three of them visited over brunch and then Benny went out back to play with a neighbor.

In spite of having no sleep, Marsha seemed very energetic when she finally could talk with Duncan more undisturbed. Apparently she had a great visit with her old teacher one on one, but she had really had a lot of fun on #GoodBuddies. She joked about being a "newbie that IRCed everyone under the table!" Only Dan's best friend Joel stayed on to visit and they kept talking non-stop until she had to go when Benny and Duncan got home.

Then, Marsha's face got very serious. "There is something I need to talk with you about Duncan. Something happened last night and I really need you to be honest with me, O.K.?" Duncan could only nod with a growing sense of dread.

to be continued...







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"A Whole Other Life"

"Words On A Screen"

/MSGs From the 40's