Here's the color we've chosen for the
wainscoting: "Straw"
Here's a picture that shows the counter, stainless
steel counter edge, tile backsplash, and wainscoting.
Here's our new kitchen sink - the excitement of all this new stuff
is very fun for us. (Notice the ever present paint brushes.
The painting continues to go on and on...)
Trim makes everything come together

Wainscoting in the kitchen

Trimmer Steve perfecting the crown moulding

Painter Pa saves the day!
Delicately rolling the winter white in our kitchen
Ever wondered what it feels like to be inside a
bottle of Heinekin? Click here:
Cannon looking into the construction zone from the living room. The
fridge and stove are in the living room for now. Notice he has
his Fisher Price nail gun 'cause he's helping. Oh... and his Tigger hat.

Scott and Spike: The face mask is THE accessory for
demolition professional

We call him "Framer Dude" That little
bit of wall he's making will end up next
to our fridge

A dumpster full of kitchen

We wanted to catch a picture of this because it's the only time we have seen the designer, Kevin, actually WORKING!
Incredibly tasty wallpaper found under the plaster in the
bathroom. If only we could keep it...
