Think about how special YOU feel when someone sends you a flower, a special note or a treat. Think also about how DELIGHTED you feel when your birthday is remembered or some important event in your life. I am a firm believer that this world would be a better place if we all would actively " PRACTICE RANDOM (AND DELIBERATE) ACTS OF KINDNESS!" Even though we all have good intentions, often the lack of time or ideas of even what to do, stand in our way of actually doing anything.


is being created to help people make those special memories for others.

Here are just some examples of what Virtual Delights might do for you and your friends: Here are a few examples of what I have done so far:

So, let your imagination race and let me know how I can help set up some VIRTUAL DELIGHTS for someone you know!

Here are some of my FAVORITE ways doing something special for someone and most are free:

Rachel Harris

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"A Whole Other Life"

"Words On A Screen"

Virtual Delights

/MSGs From the 40's