An Overview of OZ

(and WHAT a VIEW!!)

L.A.,Sydney, Brisbane, Ipswich, Goldcoast

March 5,1996

OUR adventure begins! This journey really started years ago. I had always wanted to go to Australia as long as I could remember. Bob even offered to send me way back in 1980, but I was way too practical. We bought a TTY instead so I could "talk" on the phone to my Deaf friends and clients. I also was intimidated to go to a country without knowing anyone. So, the dream stayed just that; a dream.

When the internet came into our lives in 1994, it allowed me to travel the world w/o leaving my home and family. I was in heaven and the first place I visited was #AUSSIES on efnet. I met a person nicked SOULBRO and his kindness got me oriented into this new world.

The urge grew stronger as time went on. Not only did I learn more about the country, but I was making friendships that drew my spirit. I knew money was the issue. I started letting Bob know that I would love it if he would put money into a travel fund instead of buying me gifts on the normal occassions. At that rate, it would be at least another 3 years or so before I could go =(. However, when Mummaj started talking about the gathering, and Saline started talking about the Festival, my impulsive nature surfaced and we decided to not wait. I have joked with people about this being the trip of a lifetime BECAUSE it will take us a lifetime to pay off our credit cards.

I have NO regrets! I feel incredibly blessed by the whole experience. What follows are "snip its" from my journal about the trip along with gifs.

March 5

We left Portland at 6:50 am and arrived into LA around 9 a.m. FLEEP (Jeff) met us at the terminal. He was very kind to make the long drive during rush hour just to meet during our short layover. When I asked him to be the Copy Editor for the newsletter, I had NO idea that he was a professional writer. I just knew that I enjoyed him, thought he was clever and responsible, and thought he would do a good job. As I sat getting to know this attractive man ( sorry, he made me PROMISE there would be NO pictures or video) with sparkling eyes, I found out that he was a staff writer for the television show TRAPPER JOHN M.D.

It was finally time to get onboard. We would be *living* on this plane for at least the next 14 hours. Qantas did an INCREDIBLE job of making us feel comfortable and well tended to during this flight. There were lots of fun distractions, good food, and luckily we were able to spread out a bit. Those aussie flight attendants helped ready our ears to that GREAT ACCENT!

March 6

We landed on Aussie soil around 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday after leaving LA at 1 p.m. on Tuesday. We made it through customs (though my compulsiveness for honesty actually made more w*rk for the agents and us) with the 3 suitcases we were bringing filled with presents. WAB (Mark) was there to meet us at the gate and I hugged him in real life like I do online...a massive hug and a half!

He directed us to his car and his mobile rang before we had gotten out of the parking lot. It was dear Koalamof (Paul) calling from Adelaide to see how we were doing. I was very touched.

Bob and I did our best to NOT *white knuckle* it as this car sped along on the (oh hell forget the P.C. term... it FELT like WRONG) side of the road. We made it to his house safely and he, his wife Moya and daughter Niki, proceeded to make us feel right at home.

And feel right at home I did! After everyone went to sleep, Mark and I signed on IRC and stayed up and talked online, then visited with each other most of the night. *grin*

March 7

We went exploring Wab's neighborhood and the markets and mall nearby. What fun! The sights and sounds were captivating as I stared at everything that we passed. How wonderful to be able to walk to the train and have it get you everywhere so easily! Before we knew it, it was time to get to the airport to head for Brisbane. Head still in a whirl, we arrived at the gate to see MUMMAJ's smiling face. Mummaj lives about an hour from the airport and we were treated to all sorts of sights along the way. Many houses are built on stilts in that area. My theory was that it helps with ventilation and cooling the house. Bob's theory was that it was for flood issues. It turns out we were both right.

What a warm and welcoming house Mummaj has! The flowers and lush backyard, a spreading viranda that tempts one to kick back; even a swimming pool. That evening we got settled in and enjoyed a wonderful dinner with hubby Naum, daughter Kathy, and one son, Brian. Bob and Naum hit it off right from the start. Who knows, maybe being IRC widowers was one of the things they had in common. *grin*

Mummaj and I went to the market to do last minute shopping for the party weekend. I was blown away by all the things we don't have and all the things that are close relatives of what we have or are just named something different, like "Rice Krispies" being called "Rice Bubbles." Mummaj was very kind to not laugh at me when I got lost at the cheese isle looking for some cheddar cheese. They have it, it is just WHITISH YELLOW like swiss cheese and I couldn't find it for the longest time. They also keep their eggs on the shelf instead of in a cooler shelf and she had no idea what frozen concentrate juice was as they only have bottled, fresh squeezed. Their lemonade is actually the same thing as our lemon/lime soda pop and their lemon squeeze, which comes the closest, is still just like a thinned lemon juice with carbonation.

March 8

While Mummaj and family were w*rking or in school, Bob, Alden and I took the train into Brisbane to explore on our own. What a beautiful city! I was impressed with how clean it was. There was such a festive air to this city as we stopped and listened to old time musicians in a major square. They were singing "CUPPA COFFEE" and we sang along. They made such a big deal that we knew the words, saying that they had only known one other person to know that song in their 20 year carreer. Not only did we know it, we taught them a verse! Tourist shops kept calling out to us, but we managed to get past most. That Bob did end up buying a coin purse made from a male kangaroo body part.*YIKES* I was a bit surprised though that with all the opals in OZ, I have found much better prices here in the states.

We went all over and had quite a time at the museum there. We also walked over the bridge into Southbanks where the 1990 World's Fair had been. It had lots of wonders to check out, including a butterfly house. There, we walked amidst hundreds of butterflies of all spectacular hues. For a person that collects butterflies (not REAL), this was awesome!

We got back just in time for me to go with Mummaj to the airport to pick up the Kiwis. (At first I felt very uncomfortable calling people from New Zealand, Kiwis. They all told me directly that they preferred to be called Kiwis and in fact, called themselves that.) Again, a nice drive through gorgeous land and some time for a quiet visit with Mummaj! At the airport, instead of getting 3 Kiwis, only ALBANY had made the flight due to visa issues. How sad that they would miss the party! =( The rest of the night was spent visiting and getting ready for the trip to the Gold Coast.

March 9

Bob and Naum had some fun together this morning as they practiced the Digeridoo and shopped for authentic Aussie hats to send back home to friends. Before we knew it, it was time to head out, and the views on the way to the Gold Coast were quite a treat!

We went to Surfer's Paradise first. Very built up and full of tourist traps, but still fun and pretty none-the-less. It was just a quick hop from there to Greenmount Inn and soon we were jumping on the beds in our motel room. Mummaj had to tend to first things first by dealing with server and laptop problems so we would be able to play on irc at times during the weekend. We went to meet the others at the poolside bar. Hands and wife Anita, TNT, Sweetsong, Marie2 and hubby Koru, Nah, Grumpy, George, and Wab. The weather was not as cooperative as it could have been, as there was a cyclone brewing up the coast. Even with the drizzling rain, we still managed to have a great time.

After settling in, we got ready to go to the Casino for the night. Bob chose to stay back with Alden instead of us using the baby sitting service, so it meant that I got a night out with the adults. *grin* Wab showed me the ropes and I found out that I am quite a gambler! I bet a whole $5 two different times on a wheel type game. There was also a great buffet, sporting all sorts of foods that I had never tasted or seen before. Fun was had by all and everyone came back WITH THEIR SHIRTS.

The next day, Bob, Alden and I went out swimming and to the beach area. Mummaj had gone out of her way to pick a very gentle surf for Alden and we had fun swimming in the sparkling, clear water. I got burnt to a crisp however, in spite of sunscreen. My question is: "how can I go from lily white, to burnt red, to lily white again, all with sunscreen? Isn't there supposed to be a tan color in there somewhere?? *grin*

Due to the "iffyness" of the weather, Hands and Anita graciously invited us all to have the party in their honeymoon suite. Mummaj had made great plans with the food and every contributed for quite a spread! I had given everyone eraser computers so they could each *sign on* while we were taking turns with Mummaj's laptop. I had a Magic Fortune Telling Fish that gave us the REAL scoop about people and mood rings so we had no secrets. *grin*

Later, a bus had been arranged to take us to Magic Mountain where Mummaj's son lived. In spite of the weather, most of us women went swimming in the lagoon-type pool, with a jacuzi and waterfalls. It was sooooooooooooooooo much fun. We then topped it off with a sauna, and back in for a cooling off dip. LOL Albany didn't want to go back into the pool, so Mummaj, in her impish ways, splashed her with a bucket then ran like hell! *HUGE SMILES*.

When we were done swimming, we were treated to an amazing feast prepared by her son Michael. I swear, there were prawns there as big as medium sized bananas! I have never seen anything like it in my life. We also ate crocodile, expertly prepared by Michael, a chef in training. It was really noteworthy to see crocodile tails selling like chicken thighs. ALbany and Bobdhubby decorated a Pavlova and we all just enjoyed our time together, even Alden.

March 11

The morning was filled with many "good-byes" as we all seemed to be scattered in different directions. Mummaj took a few of us back to her house via a trip to O'Reiley's in the rain forrest. What an amazing place. She expertly maneuvered us through hairpin turns as we w*rked our way up to the top of rain forest canapy. She also was well prepared for us as she gave us sunflower seeds to treat the birds. And what a treat we all had! We had Rosellas and Lorikeets landing all over us to eat right from our hands!

This is the place we saw our first Wallabies; a small variety called Pademelons. I was also incredibly brave!!! *smiles* We went on a canapy walk on a lengthy suspension bridge, looming shakily high above the forrest floor. I am a big woman and this bridge was made of wooden slats with spaces I thought were AWFULLY wide for being that high off the ground! Bob went up even higher through a steep caged ladder to the top of the lookout area. WOW!

After all this adventure, we had a BARBY where we had some birds that were soooooo brave themselves, that they would swoop down and actually steal the sausage you had in your hand if you weren't looking. They must be in training for Alfred Hitchcock's sequel of "The Birds."

On the way home, Mummaj took us by a school yard where she knew a Koala colony lived. I was like an excited school girl myself when I was the first one to spot those adorable critters nibbling on leaves in a gum tree.

When we got back to Mummaj's the other Kiwis were arriving and we had a quiet and fun evening getting to know each other a bit, while Bob and I prepared for our departure the next morning.

Here are some pictures of this part of our trip:

Alden1 Bug Catcher Downunder =)
Mummaj, Koru, Peterw (standing)
Pavlova -YUM!
Mummaj at ORieley's
Uninvited guest
Marie2 at ORieley's
Mummaj and son Michael (our chef)
Alden and I in Brisbane
Fortune telling fish *grin*

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