At a bit above eye level, the floor of the hallway stretches north into the . . . well, looking around, it is not clear that house is the best term for the building in whose courtyard we stand. A tower thrusts upward to the northwest, far enough away that it is not clear whether or not it is attached to the building in front of you. Of course, given the state of renovation of the "house," the answer to that question may change over time.

More directly west, what appears to be the curving roof of some kind of metal shed looms over the high wall of the courtyard. A catwalk at the second story level heads south from the shed and plunges into the line of trees, quickly hidden by the foliage.

On the ground near where the hallway begins is a wooden table with a chessboard on it. The dozen or so green chess pieces on the board, all laying on their sides, roll about in fitful arcs whenever a gust blows over (never between) the old white stones.

Light glints off something to your right.

Music on your left fills the air with a flowing, carefree rhythm . . .

(Last remodeled 5/28/02000)