Measure 26-51: Forms Multnomah County People's Utility District
Measure 26-52: Authorizes Multnomah County People's Utility District To Impose Special Levy
My votes: leaning towards Yes
These two measures go hand in hand, and thus I will discuss them together. Let's look first at two of the advantages (to us, citizens and taxpayers) of having a People's Utility District (PUD).
Now, what are some of the objections to 26-51 and 26-52?
Now, in fairness, I must point out that the property tax levy of Measure 26-52 will not be the last cost to us. Nothing on the ballot this November 4th addresses the issues of where the money is going to come from to acquire PGE; Measure 26-51 merely gives us a way (the PUD) to do it against PGE's wishes. This acquisition money could come from a lot of places, but my best guess is that it'll probably be raised by selling bonds. And since the PUD will have access to large pieces of PGE's revenue stream, I am guessing that these bonds will indeed sell.
If Measure 26-51 passes, thus creating the PUD, the board that will control it will have five seats, which will need to be filled. Each one will be a director at large, so everybody votes for all five seats. Where to start?
Well, I know right off the bat that I shall vote for Fillard Rhyne and Xander Patterson, because I know them personally and I trust their judgement in these matters.
I also know that I won't be voting for Tom Markgraf: even though he's running for the board, he opposes the PUD. (Plus, his statement in the Voter's Pamphlet uses the word "loose" when it should say "lose," and while I cannot say I base my political decisions on this kind of detail, I really hate it when people make errors like this and I relish the chance to tell the world.)
For the others, I need to do more research.
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(Last updated 10/25/02003)