the . . .


thoughts about elections that people in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. can vote in
includes most federal and statewide elections, along with many other local ones

The politics portion of my Website is undergoing a slow but major renovation.

Please consult the following table of contents:

A few places to get more information:

Project Vote-Smart

(This site is truly incredible, and needs to become much more well-known. It has more political info than you can shake a stick at.)

Oregon Elections

(The Elections Division of the Oregon Secretary of State's Website)

Multnomah County Elections

Portland City Elections

Suggestions for changes/additions to this Webpage are welcome and may be sent to me from here. Flames will be dumped to /dev/null/ summarily.

To the Front Room of my Demesne

(Last updated 5/19/02004)