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White River Game Management Area
Hoodview Chapter Work Party

Last summer's White River project was another huge success. Most of us headed over on Friday afternoon and set up base camp. By the time the work started on Saturday morning we had 32 Hoodview chapter volunteers ready for a day of fence building. Our ODFW leaders, Ray, Phil, & John gave us a safety briefing and we were off to the first work site where we split up into two teams. Our first team started removing an old fence from around a dry stock pond, while the second group began digging a long trench for the water trough pipe. After we made short work of the old fence we had to cut away some brush and remove the old posts to finish prepping the fence line.  The trench team was pretty quick too and 

Stringing wire on Saturday afternoon

The demolition crew pulling old wire
and fence posts on Saturday Morning

had the new pipe laid before lunch. We all headed back to camp at noon for a hard-earned break and enjoyed a great deli style lunch. The afternoon work began with setting the new water trough and filling in the trench. The rest of the day was spent setting new fence posts, and stringing wire.  When the dust cleared at the end of the day, the only thing remaining was to build some gates and string some wire for the corral. Saturday evening, we had a hamburger feed topped off with Dutch oven cobbler and ice cream! We also watched a video from the day’s work, had the door prize drawings, and conducted our raffles. The winner of the Leupold scope was Dori Abendroth and the Rangefinders were claimed by Rick Williams.
Sunday morning started out a little more slowly as we were all pretty sore from Saturday’s work. We had 14 volunteers head over to the work site and then we split up. About half the group stayed at the first pond to finish up Saturday’s project, while the rest of us went to fence another pond about a half mile away.  By lunchtime, both projects were complete so we cleaned up both sites, said goodbye to our ODFW friends and returned to camp. After we all had some lunch and broke camp we needed some relaxation so we got out the skeet thrower and shot clay pigeons for a couple of hours before parting company.  I want to say Kudos to everyone that came out to help. You all did an outstanding job and really helped the OHA put our best foot forward!

The group photo taken Saturday morning before work began (Notice how clean we all still are!)

The demolition crew pulling old wire
and fence posts Saturday morning.


The trench team leveling the site where
the new water trough is going to be placed


The trench team leveling the site where
the new water trough is going to be placed

In August about a dozen of us went over to represent the Hoodview chapter at the White River volunteer appreciation picnic put on by the ODFW. We were one of many organizations that volunteered this year, so there were about seventy-five people in attendance. We spent the first part of the day trap shooting and then we feasted on a roast pig lunch. We all hoped to win the top volunteer organization award again this year, but the Multnomah Hunters and Anglers Club took it home. Our congratulation to them for putting on a great volunteer effort. I guess that we will just have to work a little harder next year so we can win it back!