- more SageBush Cooking - the
October 6, 1999
The dust is settling on the big move off Highway 50. Yes, there's really a Highway
50. Bushy used to live about a half mile north of it in Nevada. Now
is located about a thousand miles south-east of the physical road, but still
squarely on the center-line of the loneliest road in America.
Look for a more activity at hwy50zen in the coming month. After a week of sesshin
in Santa Fe, Bushy will be back at it.
Zen Karmics instructive comix introduce meditative practice for prisoners by
The Engaged Zen Foundation Buddhist Prison Ministry
Episode Two 8/5/99
Shodoka: Song on Realizing the Tao with commentary by Nyogen Senzaki.
Verses: 21 thru 30
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_________________________________________________ ON THE MENU
* second helping - Doug Dorph
from a recent New Yorker
* non sequiturs from Cake's Prolonging the Magic.
Bushy asks, "Where do students of Zen go?"
* Make a free donation of food to hungry people.
* A citizen's response to zazen instruction.
* Johannes Tauler
______________________________________________________ ORIYOKI
Since the heart attack, I come up the stairs
and say to myself, "Now I'm opening
the door, now I'm hanging up my coat, now I hear
someone yell 'Daddy!' in my extra life."
It's like having seconds after Thanksgiving dinner,
savoring my favorite things, but not quite.
It's as if I now feast on turnips and cranberry sauce,
the mundane side dishes I used to push aside
for more stuffing and gravy, more flamboyant breast.
I count the hops out loud ad infinitum
as my daughter jumps rope in the living room.
In my regular life, I would
have had thoughts in my head.
In my extra life, I don't.
-Doug Dorph
____________________________ FISH COURSE
The gravedigger
puts on the forceps.
The stonemason
does all the work.
The barber
can give you a haircut.
The carpenter
can take you out to lunch.
I just want to
play on my pan pipes
I just want to
drink me some wine.
As soon as your born
You start dying.
So, you might as well
have a good time.
____________________________ FEASTING WITH FRIENDS
September 17, 1999 . Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) The Net has pushed back
many boundaries, including that of human compassion. A web site that allows
anyone to donate food to the starving without paying? It sounds too good to
be true, but a new US venture, The Hunger Site, has achieved exactly that, channelling
the cold, financial logic of online advertising to the warmer, social purposes
of charity. . . . Hunger Site users are met by a map of the world. Every 3.6
seconds, a country somewhere flashes black, signifying a death due to hunger.
India ... China ... Mozambique ... country after country dims in memoriam.
====* Q&A from the Hunger Site *====
What happens when I click on the <Donate Free Food> button? Does the donation
cost me anything?
When you click on the <Donate Free Food> button, this registers with our
computer server. The computer adds your food donation to the day's totals and
sends you the <Thank You For Your Donation> page. This page shows you
the name of the sponsor or sponsors who pay for your donation. There is absolutely
no charge to you for the donation; it is fully paid for by the sponsors and
is completely free for you.
How is the donated food distributed?
The donated food is distributed through the United Nations World Food Program,
the world's largest food aid organization, with projects in 80 countries. They
also work in conjunction with a number of other relief organizations. A list
of many excellent relief organizations can be found on our Hunger Resources
_________________________________________ DESSERT
"I don't have to do anything?
I just sit here breathing!?!
Cool - breathing's automatic anyway."
____________________________________ HEARD AT TABLE
When one gives oneself
to the practice of contemplation,
the "I" has nothing for itself.
The "I" would like to have something,
and it would like to know something,
and it wants something.
Until the three-fold "something" within dies,
one must suffer its being.
It happens neither in a day
nor in a short while.
Rather one must discipline oneself into it
and accustom oneself to it with diligent effort.
Moreover, one must persevere,
thereupon, comes light and joy.
-Johannes Tauler
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