Form for my SfC class

Questionnaire form for my "Spacetime for Campers" course


Which session will you be coming for?
Circle one:
Session 1
Session 2
If you know the answer, please indicate whether you are going to take the course during the "A" schedule or the "B" schedule.
Circle one:
Schedule "A"
Schedule "B"

What math and science classes have you had in the past two years?

What involvement (if any) have you had with math and science outside of class in that time?

What about space or time or other things from this course interest you? Be as specific as possible.

If you wish to, you may send your response to me by E-mail at; please include your real name, and put "TAG SEP" in the subject line so that it will receive the correct attention.

Send me mail
Return to my main TAG SEP page

(Last updated 4/28/99)